 In Face
Reshape the neck and chin with liposuction

Slim and Reshape with Neck and Chin Liposuction

As your face ages, so does your neckline. The delicate skin that covers your neck begins to droop and lose elasticity as the years pass by. Weight fluctuation can also lead to fat accumulating under the chin, creating a “double chin.” With a single chin liposuction treatment, patients can reduce fat below the chin, contour the jawline, and smooth the neck.

What Is Submental Liposuction?

Commonly referred to as neck liposuction, submental liposuction is a procedure designed to remove unwanted fat from below the chin. The liposuction procedure offers an effective way to remove a precise amount fat from various body parts. Using a long, narrow suction tube inserted through a small incision, your liposuction doctor removes stubborn fat that won’t budge with diet and exercise.

Unique Treatment Benefits

Liposuction is the most common cosmetic surgery performed, and the benefits make it easy to see why. Potential treatment areas vary across the body. Unique benefits of chin liposuction include:
  • Immediate elimination of a double chin
  • Visible reduction of stubborn fat in the neck and chin
  • A more defined jawline
  • Natural skin tightening

What To Expect Before Treatment

We will discuss any questions regarding your specific treatment goals and the surgical process in detail during your consultation appointment. At Vein & Laser Institute, we offer various double chin treatments that cover a vast range of specific needs. We will help you determine if chin liposuction is the best option, or if you may benefit more from CoolSculpting or Kybella.

What To Expect During Treatment

Step 1: Marking Incision Locations Your provider will mark the treatment areas to designate where small incisions will be made to insert cannulas. Chin liposuction incisions are made in the crease between the chin and the neck to ensure that any potential surgical scars are well hidden and not visible. Step 2: Cleaning the Treatment Area Your provider will clean the treatment area to prevent the risk of infection. Step 3: Administering Anesthesia Your provider will numb the treatment area with a local anesthetic. If you feel nervous or anxious, we also offer sedation to ensure you are as comfortable as possible throughout your procedure. Step 4: Fat Removal Your doctor will make microscopic incisions no larger than 5-10 mm in the skin between the neck and chin. He then inserts a small cannula through each incision, breaking up excess fat and removing it through the cannula, maintaining even fat distribution. The fat removal process typically takes about 30 minutes.

What To Expect After Treatment

Immediately following your treatment, your provider will wrap the chin with bandaging to support the skin as it heals. Compression bandaging helps encourage tissue in the treatment area to shrink down to your neck’s new size.

Are there any guidelines for sleeping or lifting?

Necessary downtime following treatment is relatively minimal. While swelling may be present for 2-4 weeks, most patients can return to work or other usual activities after a few days. Your provider will entrust you with post-treatment instructions that should be strictly followed. Once any swelling has subsided, you will begin to see your results.

Who’s a Candidate?

The ideal candidate is a healthy non-smoker who has realistic expectations of how chin liposuction can transform his or her appearance. During your consultation, your doctor will evaluate your skin, fat deposits, and the muscular anatomy of your chin and neck. He will address your aesthetic goals, and explain your treatment options in detail to ensure you receive the most suitable option. Any questions or concerns you may have about a potential therapy will be addressed, and your medical history will be reviewed to ensure you’re a strong candidate for surgery. If you’re ready to eliminate the look and feel of your double chin, contact Vein & Laser Institute today to schedule a consultation.

*Please note that there is a nonrefundable $100 deposit required for liposuction consultations. This will be applied to the procedure cost.

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