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Vein & Laser Institute

prp facelift

As we age our skin changes. We lose definition in our faces as muscle tone, skin elasticity and collagen decrease. Skin texture becomes less smooth and our once glowing, rosy hue has faded to a lackluster tone.

Our goal at the Vein & Laser Institute is to reverse those telltale signs of aging and restore your face to a more youthful and natural appearance. The PRP Facelift offers a way of both restoring shape, and improving tone and texture, as well as literally regenerating new, younger tissue.

This safe and natural treatment stimulates your cells and physiologically turns back the clock on aging, using PlatetletRichPlasma (P.R.P) to increase collagen production and blood flow while generating new skin and fatty tissue.

What is a PRP Facelift?

The PRP Facelift is a non-surgical procedure using your body’s healing growth factors to jump start collagen production. A hyaluronic acid filler, such as Restylane, is injected into areas of the face needing a “boost”, followed by injections of P.R.P above the filler. The filler provides immediate volume correction and the P.R.P kick-starts a skin regeneration process. You’ll see a reduction in fine lines, an increase in volume, and improvements in skin tone, color and texture. The P.R.P with filler also extends the filler correction 3 to 6 months longer than filler alone.

PRP Facelift FAQs

What is the procedure?

Your face is treated with a topical anesthetic and nerve block to ensure you remain comfortable throughout the procedure. Blood (15-30mls) is drawn from your arm and spun in a centrifuge to separate and concentrate the PlatetletRichPlasma from the red blood cells. Then filler and your P.R.P with growth factors are re-injected back into the targeted areas of your face, neck, hands, or body.

Where does the P.R.P come from?

You! Your blood has all the skin enhancement essentials in it already.

What are platelets?

Platelets are the smallest cells in the blood that help stop bleeding and heal blood vessels and other damaged cells.

What are growth factors?

In the world of aesthetic medicine we are interested in platelet derived growth factors, which promote healing and blood vessel/skin cell proliferation for youthful tissue regeneration.

What is the hyaluronic acid used in a PRP Facelift?

We use hyaluronic acid fillers such as Restylane , similar to your body’s natural hyaluronic acid, with a minute amount of lidocaine (anesthetic) mixed in. The hyaluronic acid is necessary to fill the facial volume lost during aging.

Do the injections hurt?

Mild discomfort is expected during the treatment since it involves drawing blood and multiple needle pricks in your face.

How many treatments are needed?

The number of procedures required will be determined by our staff based upon your individual aesthetic goals, the health of your skin and the areas treated. Our staff will also develop a maintenance plan to help retain the rejuvenating effects of your treatment.

What type of results can I expect?

The PRP Facelift reduces wrinkles and restores shape & volume around the mouth, eyes and cheeks. The results will become evident about 2-3 weeks after the procedure, with continued improvement for up to 3-4 months post-treatment. Results should last at least 1 year and have been known to last up to 18 months.

Is there any downtime?

You can return to your normal activities almost immediately, but it usually takes about a day or two to recover from bruising, redness and visible swelling. However, the total healing time is different for each patient.

What is the difference between the facelift and facial?

The difference between the two procedures is how the P.R.P is used on the face. The PRP FaceLift is a series of P.R.P injections under the skin, combined with hyaluronic fillers. The PRP Facial is the topical application of the P.R.P serum after micro-needling. The injected platelets of the facelift release growth factors which stimulate collagen production and tissue regeneration at a much deeper level than the facial.

Have more questions?

Schedule a complimentary consultation at one of our three offices in Munster, Crown Point or Valparaiso. Our staff will perform a skin evaluation and recommend a personalized treatment plan to achieve maximum results and answer any questions you may have. Don’t Wait. Get Treatment TODAY!

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