 In Face

5 things Venus Viva Can Do That a Facelift Can’t
Beautiful woman with smooth skin. Facelift surgery may be the first thing you think of when you consider how to achieve younger-looking skin. However, if you seek smoother, more even skin and a natural-looking transformation, you might want to consider treatment with Venus Viva.

This cutting-edge skin resurfacing technology smooths wrinkles and tightens the skin but also offers an impressive list of skin-beautifying benefits. The best part is that all of this can be achieved with one quick, minimally invasive procedure and basically zero downtime.

How Venus Viva Works

Venus Viva creates micro-channels in the skin’s surface, then simultaneously delivers heat energy via Nano-Fractional Radio Frequency. This process creates highly-controlled micro-injuries to the tissue. In response, the body launches its naturally-occurring healing processes, stimulating collagen production and repairing the skin from the inside out.

Venus Viva Results

Venus Viva has the advantage over surgery because it is minimally invasive, relatively quick, and requires no downtime after the procedure. In addition, Venus Viva may be a better option for you than laser skin resurfacing treatments because it creates less discomfort, is gentler than lasers, doesn’t require you to avoid the sun, and can be used on darker skin tones and more fragile areas of the body.

Some great benefits of Venus Viva are smoothing fine lines and wrinkles as well as tightening aging skin. In addition to this, Venus Viva offers these five impressive benefits.

1 Improve Acne Scars

Acne scars are common, and while a facelift can improve their appearance slightly simply by tightening the skin, the scars will remain. Venus Viva treats the skin itself, initiating the healing process and visibly reducing the appearance of acne scars.

2 Shrink Large Pores

Everyone has pores in their skin, but larger pores can make you less than satisfied with your skin’s appearance. Large pores can result from age, sun damage, hormonal changes, and plain old genetics. By improving collagen and elastin production under the surface of the skin, Venus Viva can reduce the size of your pores and result in smoother skin.

3 Diminish Skin Discoloration

Skin discoloration can come from a number of causes, including melasma, sunspots, rosacea, and other types of hyperpigmentation. Skin becomes discolored as a result of melanin variations. Too much melanin means dark spots, while too little results in light spots. Venus Viva treats the uneven pigmentation that results from all of these skin issues and more. Furthermore, Venus Viva can be used on darker skin tones, where other resurfacing treatments are not always recommended.

4 Reduce Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are a common complaint and can make patients extremely self-conscious. Unfortunately, they are notoriously difficult to treat. That is, until now. Venus Viva treatment has been shown to noticeably improve the appearance of stretch marks on many areas of the body. One published clinical study showed almost 97% patient satisfaction with the overall appearance of their stretch marks following Venus Viva treatment.

5 Smooth Uneven Skin Textures

Like some of the other issues we mentioned, uneven skin texture can be caused by a variety of factors. Improving the production of collagen and elastin and jump-starting the body’s healing mechanism can help to even out skin tone and texture, resulting in smooth, soft skin you will love.

Bonus: Natural-Looking Results

Surgery can have some drastic and amazing results. But along with the long downtime and invasiveness of cosmetic surgery, results can be so noticeable that it is obvious you had a procedure. Venus Viva has the added benefit of natural-looking results. Because Venus Viva works to stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms, results are more subtle and appear over time.

Interested in Venus Viva Treatment?

If you are interested in Venus Viva treatment or have questions about any of our skin resurfacing or anti-aging treatment options, schedule your consultation with our experts right away.

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