A double chin is a common concern, yet few people seek treatment. They may be concerned about surgery, or hoping the area below the chin will slim with diet and exercise. Unfortunately, double chins can be stubborn and resist natural slimming. Don’t spend any longer feeling self-conscious. Kybella is a simple, straightforward way to treat submental fullness without invasive treatment. A series of injections will reduce fat below the chin to improve your profile and confidence.
Kybella is available at our Valparaiso and La Porte locations – schedule a complimentary consultation to learn whether you may be a candidate.

Am I a candidate for Kybella double chin treatment?
The ideal Kybella candidate fits into one or more of these categories:
- Unhappy or self-conscious due to fat under the chin
- Concerned that their chin ages them prematurely or makes them look heavy
- Hoping to avoid surgery or other invasive treatment methods
- Eating well and exercising regularly, but not seeing an improvement to their chin
You may not be a candidate if you have had recent surgery or cosmetic treatments on your face, neck or chin; have medical conditions in the neck area or have trouble swallowing; are pregnant or breastfeeding; or are taking certain medications, including blood thinners. Your provider will assess whether you are a candidate at your consultation and answer any questions in detail.
Before and After Kybella*
*Disclaimer: Please note that results may vary and there is no guarantee of specific results.

Ready to learn more about Kybella injections?
Schedule a complimentary consultation so that we may assess your chin and help you find the best path forward.
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