 In Face, Skin

All About Elastin, Collagen’s Cousin

Woman pinching skin. When it comes to skin aging, there’s a lot of talk about collagen. But there’s another, lesser-known protein that plays a role in maintaining skin’s youth: elastin. You may have heard elastin mentioned (often in connection with collagen) but what is it, really? While collagen provides the skin’s structural support, elastin is responsible for its ability to stretch and snap back. Let’s take a closer peek at this amazing little protein and find out what you can do to improve your skin’s elastin.

Elastin 101

As its name suggests, elastin is a highly elastic protein found in connective tissues throughout the body, particularly in the skin, lungs, and blood vessels. In the skin, elastin fibers form a network that sits between collagen fibers in the dermis. These elastin coils can stretch to up to 200% of their original length and then bounce back. This allows our skin to move, flex, and resume its shape countless times. Elastin’s stretchy properties are thanks to its unique chemical structure. It contains high levels of two amino acids: glycine and proline. These amino acids form loose, coiled chains that can elongate and contract. Elastin fibers link together to form a durable, resilient network beneath the skin.

Elastin and Aging

Like collagen, elastin production declines as we age. Starting in our 30s and 40s, elastin synthesis drops, and existing elastin fibers begin to break down. UV damage, free radicals, and enzymes like elastase all contribute to elastin degradation. Smoking and pollution can also take a toll. As elastin fibers degrade and lose their spring, skin becomes loose, saggy, and more prone to wrinkling. This loss of elasticity is particularly noticeable in areas that move repeatedly, like the forehead and around the eyes and mouth. Crepey skin texture and loss of facial contours are also tied to dwindling elastin. You may be able to directly observe this loss of elastin if you find that when you pinch your skin, it doesn’t “bounce back” quite like it used to.

Can We Boost Elastin with Skincare?

Boosting elastin with topical treatments is a challenge. Elastin molecules are too large to penetrate the skin’s surface when applied in creams or serums. Some skincare products do contain “elastin,” but this is usually hydrolyzed elastin – elastin that’s been broken down into smaller pieces. While this may provide some skin conditioning benefits, it doesn’t actually stimulate new elastin production. The most effective ways to protect and promote elastin are the basic tenets of skin health: Wearing sunscreen religiously, not smoking, and using antioxidants to neutralize skin-damaging free radicals.

Morpheus8: RF Microneedling for Elastin Restoration

For more dramatic elastin renewal, many patients are turning to Morpheus8 – a revolutionary radiofrequency (RF) microneedling treatment. Morpheus8 combines the collagen-inducing power of microneedling with the heat and tissue-tightening effects of RF energy. During a Morpheus8 treatment, fine needles deliver RF energy deep into the dermis, creating micro-injuries that send cells into repair mode. The thermal effect of RF also causes collagen fibers to contract and tighten. Elastin is highly heat-sensitive, so this deep-tissue heating can induce powerful elastin remodeling and new fiber formation. Over the weeks and months following  Morpheus8 treatment, your skin responds by laying down fresh networks of collagen and elastin, restoring skin’s firmness and flexibility from the inside out. A series of 3-6 sessions may be recommended for optimal results, which can last a year or longer.

Want to Wake Up Your Elastin?

If you’re seeing signs of skin laxity, crepiness, or loss of bounce, lost elastin may be to blame. Call us today to schedule a consultation and learn how this cutting-edge treatment can help restore your skin’s youth by improving both collagen and elastin beneath the surface.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​  
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