 In Hair

Hair-Free and Carefree: Lasting Results With Venus Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal Results Undesired body hair is a source of embarrassment for both men and women. For women, it’s typically in the form of facial hair between the eyebrows or on the upper lip. Other areas of the body, like the underarms, legs, back, or bikini line, are problem areas for many too. If you’re ready to say goodbye to painful waxing and time-consuming razors, advanced hair removal treatments with Venus Laser Hair Removal is the solution for you! Sexy, hair-free skin is easier to achieve than ever before.

Gentle Hair Removal With Venus Versa

The Venus Laser Hair Removal system is the most advanced hair removal treatment. With Venus Versa, Intense Pulse Light (IPL) combines with SmartPulse Technology to target the deep layers of pigment and destroy the hair follicle for good. Destroying underlying follicles will eliminate the existing hair and also inhibit future hair growth in that area.

Ideal Treatment Areas

Hair removal treatments are ideal for anyone who wants to reduce unwanted hair on their face or body permanently. While laser hair removal can work on any part of the body that you wish to remove unwanted hair from, it is especially useful in the following areas:
  • Arms
  • Underarms
  • Legs
  • Bikini area
  • Eyebrows
  • Upper lip
  • Sideburns
  • Chin
  • Back of neck
  • Back
  • Shoulders
  • Abdominal
  • Feet
Laser hair removal treatments can be done on darker skin tones, tanned skin, and light skin. IPL hair removal treatments work best for light to medium skin tones. It’s always recommended to consult with a licensed technician before treatments to determine if Venus Laser Hair Removal is right for you.

How It Works

Body hair grows in stages. Only during a growth cycle, when the hair is still in its follicle, can the removal process be effective. The Venus Hair Removal applicator combines a high level of light energy (IPL) with maximum heat distribution to multiple hair follicles at a time. The energy penetrates the deepest layers of the skin, targeting the pigment in the follicle beneath the skin’s surface. The SmartPulse technology ensures safe and consistent heat distribution, and no surrounding tissue will be at risk of damage.

What To Expect

Venus hair removal is safe for all skin types and tones. Each session will produce a noticeable reduction in the appearance of hair. Several sessions are necessary for the best, most long-lasting results. The number of sessions you will need depends on the areas being treated and the current state of your body hair. Most patients receive 7-10 treatments performed six weeks apart for the face and 4-8 weeks apart for the body.

Long-Term Hair Removal

Getting rid of body hair without cuts and razor bumps is achievable! At Vein & Laser Institute, our team offers the most advanced laser hair removal services, such as the highly-rated Venus treatments. Laser technology is wonderfully efficient at eradicating body and facial hair by deploying thorough but gentle pulses that target the root follicle.

Become Hair-Free With Venus Versa

In their years of practice, Dr. Omar Barakat, Dr. Amjad Alkadri, and Dr. Vivek Mishra have seen fantastic growth in non-surgical hair removal technology. Recent studies show that there was a 37% increase in Americans undergoing hair removal just last year. It can be tiring and even painful to have to shave, tweeze, pluck, and wax to get rid of unwanted hair, especially if it’s only for the short term. It’s time for you to experience life being hair-free and carefree. Call today to schedule a consultation appointment with our Vein & Laser Institute team for a personalized care plan to determine what type of results you can expect.
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