If you have venous disease, whether it be varicose veins, spider veins or any other vascular condition, you’ve come to the right place! Our Board Certified Physicians and a highly experienced medical and administrative staff care about your health and well-being. With our ability to expertly diagnose and skillfully perform the correct treatment to heal the effects of venous disease, you will receive state-of-the-art treatment with minimally invasive medical technology and excellent follow-up care.We coordinate every step of your treatment and follow-up care.
Leg pain, muscle fatigue, soreness, throbbing, and swelling are often symptoms of varicose veins. You don’t have to live with pain.
Spider veins appear as small blue or red lines under the skin, and can affect self-esteem because of their visibility to others. Our doctors have solutions that can help you regain your confidence.
Schedule a Vein Therapy Consultation
Call (219) 736-8118 or fill out the online form below. No referral necessary with most insurances.
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