 In CoolSculpting

The Best Exercise to Boost Your Cool Sculpting Results

Toned abs from coolsculpting and exercise

CoolSculpting is a revolutionary non-invasive, non-surgical fat removal treatment that uses controlled cooling that eliminates stubborn fat cells. It can be an effective tool to help get you the body you want.

On its own, CoolSculpting can mean impressive results. But do you want to get even more out of your CoolSculpting investment? You can boost your results with exercise.

Why Exercise is Important for CoolSculpting Results

Although CoolSculpting helps reduce fat cells, it is not a weight loss treatment. To maintain and maximize the results, you need to follow a healthy lifestyle that includes a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Exercise not only helps burn calories but also helps tone muscles, improve overall body composition, and boosts your metabolism. All of these factors contribute to better and longer-lasting CoolSculpting results.

The Best Exercise for Your Best Body

Not all exercises are created equal. It’s best to target your exercise routine to your personal goals. Keep reading to find out the best activities to get the most from your CoolSculpting results.


Many people, especially women, are hesitant to lift weights for fear of getting “bulky.” But rest assured; this is a misconception for most women. Instead, lifting heavy weights will help build lean, sexy muscle to give you the toned look and high metabolism you’ve always wanted. And now that fat cells have been frozen away with CoolSculpting, you will be able to see the shapely muscles you build with this exercise.

Incorporate strength training exercises into your routine at least two times per week. Focus on compound movements that target multiple muscle groups, such as squats, deadlifts, push-ups, and pull-ups.


HIIT, or High-Intensity Interval Training, is a proven way to burn fat and boost your metabolism. This method of exercise involves alternating between short periods of intense effot and less intense recovery periods. The main benefits of HIIT include:

  • Calorie burning: HIIT workouts are known for their ability to burn a high number of calories in a short amount of time. This helps in shedding excess fat and maintaining your CoolSculpting results.
  • Increased metabolism: HIIT has been shown to increase your resting metabolic rate for up to 24 hours post-workout. This means you continue to burn calories even after your workout is over.
  • Muscle toning: HIIT workouts involve using various muscle groups, helping to tone and sculpt your body, which complements the fat reduction achieved through CoolSculpting.
  • Efficiency: HIIT workouts are typically shorter in duration than traditional steady-state cardio workouts, think 7 to 10 minutes.

HIIT workouts can involve a variety of exercises, including running, cycling, swimming, jumping rope, or bodyweight exercises like burpees, squat jumps, and mountain climbers. Choose exercises that you enjoy and are suitable for your fitness level.

After warming up, alternate high-intensity intervals of max effort lasting between 20-60 seconds with brief recovery periods of equal or slightly longer duration. Aim for two to three HIIT workouts per week, on non-consecutive days. This will allow your body ample time to recover and adapt to the increased intensity.


Core strength is not only important for a slim, toned figure, but it is essential for overall fitness and injury prevention. Your core doesn’t just include your abs, either. It also means your back and butt. And who doesn’t want a flat stomach and a toned backside?

Incorporate exercises like planks, single-leg stands, and stability ball exercises into your routine to strengthen your core and improve your balance. If you aren’t sure how to target your core on your own, consider a class like Yoga or Pilates.

Get Started with CoolSculpting

Remember that CoolSculpting is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle, and it’s crucial to prioritize exercise, proper nutrition, and self-care to maintain and enhance your results. By combining the right exercise with a healthy lifestyle, you can maximize the benefits of your CoolSculpting treatment and enjoy a fit, toned, and sculpted body for the long term.

If you are ready for a healthier, more confident version of yourself, contact us today to start your CoolSculpting journey.

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