 In Face

Ditch Your Double Chin in Under an Hour with CoolSculpting

Woman happy with slim chin profile. Does your heart sink when you see your double chin in the mirror every day? Maybe you delete photos because you can’t stand the way your chin makes you look. You might have even tried creams and exercises that promise to melt away fat under your chin or tighten the skin, but nothing seems to make any difference. Surgical treatments may have crossed your mind, but the thought of going under the knife…not for you. You’re not alone in your struggle. And the surprising news? There’s a non-invasive, low-risk solution available – CoolSculpting.

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is technically known as cryolipolysis. We know that might sound scary, but trust us, it’s not! In fact, it’s non-invasive, non-painful, and relatively quick when it comes to cosmetic procedures. More specifically, CoolSculpting uses the power of cooling to eliminate fat cells in the targeted areas of the body. It works by freezing the fat cells (but not the surrounding other tissues), which then break down and are eliminated by the body’s natural processes. It’s an FDA-approved method and a safe, effective alternative to traditional surgical procedures for a double chin, such as chin liposuction or a facelift.

Why Choose CoolSculpting for Double Chin?

If you’ve heard of CoolSculpting, you may picture common treatment areas such as the tummy, legs, bum, and arms. But a lot of people don’t know it can be effective at eliminating a double chin. There are several reasons to choose this non-surgical procedure:

No General Anesthesia or Surgery Involved

With CoolSculpting, you can say goodbye to the risks associated with general anesthesia and surgical complications. The procedure is non-invasive, meaning no needles, no incisions, and no scars.

Quick and Convenient

Typically, a CoolSculpting session only takes about 35-60 minutes – that’s less time than it takes to watch a movie. Plus, it’s so convenient that you could even fit it into your lunch break! Know, however, typically requires a few sessions to get the most satisfactory results.

Minimal to No Downtime

Post-treatment, you can immediately return to your daily activities, making it a hassle-free option for those who can’t afford to take time off for recovery.

Results are Gradual and Natural-Looking

CoolSculpting results appear gradually over several weeks following treatment, giving a natural-looking reduction of fat. Many patients feel like this is a massive benefit. You won’t suddenly turn up with a significantly smaller chin, avoiding unwanted attention.

It’s Permanent!

That’s right, once those stubborn, annoying fat cells are gone, they are gone forever. Of course, you should keep in mind that while CoolSculpting eliminates some of the fat cells in the treatment area, factors such as weight gain has the potential to still cause fat to accumulate in the area later down the line, so a healthy lifestyle is key.

How Does CoolSculpting Work?

The science behind CoolSculpting is as fascinating as it is effective. The procedure targets and cools fat cells beneath the skin to a temperature that kills them. Over the following weeks, these crystallized fat cells start to die off and are naturally processed and eliminated by your body, leaving you with a more contoured profile.

What to Expect During the Procedure

During a CoolSculpting procedure, a gel pad and applicator are applied to the targeted area. The applicator administers controlled cooling to the targeted fat. You may feel a cold sensation initially, which should soon diminish. You might experience sensations of pulling, tugging, or mild pinching, but overall, the procedure is well tolerated.

Post-Procedure Expectations

Following the procedure, you may notice redness, swelling, blanching, bruising, firmness, tingling, stinging, tenderness, or minor skin sensitivity. These are temporary and should resolve within days or weeks. Over the following weeks or months, your body does its thing by naturally processing and eliminating the treated fat cells.

Does CoolSculpting Sound Like a Great Option?

CoolSculpting is an excellent option for a number of people bothered by their double chin (or other stubborn fat). It offers a safe, effective, and convenient solution to help you regain your confidence. Don’t let your double chin hold you back any longer. Even if CoolSculptin is not the perfect solution for you, we offer multiple courses of treatment for a double chin. Schedule your CoolSculpting consultation today![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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