 In Hair

The Most Effective Treatment Areas For Laser Hair Removal

Best treatment area for laser hair removalLaser hair removal with Venus Versa frees you from the routine chore of shaving or waxing unwanted body hair. Long-term hair removal treatments have continued to increase in popularity because they offer patients a lasting solution for treating unwanted hair on the body and face. Venus Versa is also effective for all skin types.
Many of our patients in the La Porte area come to our practice with questions about the laser hair removal process, including which areas of the body respond best to treatment. Here’s a list of the treatment areas we find the most effective and how Venus Versa can help you achieve your smooth, hair-free goals.

Laser Hair Removal By Venus Versa

Long-term hair removal treatments have become the go-to solution for patients who are tired of relying on shaving, waxing, plucking, and using messy depilatory creams. You can finally enjoy smooth, hair-free skin with results that last longer than traditional methods. Laser hair removal by Venus Versa uses advanced technology to reduce unwanted hair on the face and body permanently. This aesthetic laser system treats unwanted hair for patients of all skin types. This advanced technology offers fast and effective results for your unwanted hair.

Effective Treatment Areas

Laser hair removal can be performed on just about any part of the body. Our experienced providers at Vein & Laser Institute will work with you to create a customized treatment plan to exceed your hair removal expectations.
Commonly treated areas include:
  • Face
  • Underarms
  • Chest
  • Legs
  • Brazilian
  • Bikini
  • Arms
  • Back of the neck
  • Head
  • Feet
  • Hands

Ideal Venus Versa Candidates

Venus Versa laser hair removal treatments are ideal for anyone looking to permanently reduce unwanted hair on the face or body. While laser hair removal can be used on many different areas and skin types, the overall effectiveness and number of treatments can vary depending on the treated body part.
You may not be a suitable candidate for laser hair removal treatments if you have any of the following conditions:
  • Metal or other implants in the treatment area
  • Current or history of cancer
  • Pregnant or nursing
  • Any diseases that can be stimulated by light, such as epilepsy
  • History of disease that can be stimulated by heat, such as herpes
  • Poorly controlled endocrine disorders like diabetes
  • Any active skin condition in the treatment area such as eczema, psoriasis, rash
  • History of skin disorders, keloids, unusual wound healing, or excessively dry and sensitive skin
  • A tattoo or permanent makeup in the treatment area
  • Excessively tanned skin

Permanent Results

Hair grows in stages. The laser hair removal process is most effective at the stage of the growth cycle when hair is still in its follicle. The Venus Versa hair removal treatment delivers heat from Intense Pulsed Light into the deeper layers of the skin to target pigment and destroy the hair follicle. Not only does this eliminate existing hair, but it also inhibits further hair growth in the treatment area. SmartPulse technology ensures safe and consistent heat distribution, while an advanced cooling system protects the surrounding skin.
Patients typically see ideal results with 4-6 treatments per area. The exact number of sessions necessary will depend on each person’s skin type, hair color, texture, and treatment area. On average, each laser treatment that you undergo will permanently eliminate roughly 40-80% of the hair follicles. In the weeks between treatment sessions, patients begin to notice a reduction of hair. Once treated, hair cannot regrow from the treated follicle again.

Post-Treatment Care Requirements

There is no downtime required after treatment sessions. Patients can return to regular activities immediately after a session and can also apply makeup after their appointment. Post-treatment aftercare instructions include avoiding hot baths or showers for a few days, abrasive scrubs and exfoliants for one week, and refraining from shaving, tweezing, or waxing between treatment sessions.
Vein & Laser Institute will provide you with a list of post-treatment care requirements and instructions following your treatment to ensure you love your results. To schedule a Venus Versa consultation, contact us today.
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