 In CoolSculpting

What is The Most Effective Fat Reduction Treatment?

man receiving CoolSculpting treatment

CoolSculpting treatment for the abdomen/side

When you’re taking the body contouring plunge, you naturally want the treatment option that’s going to yield the best results. With the number of fat reduction treatments available, it can be tough to parse out the pros and cons. In short, the solution that’s ideal is the one that best fits your personal needs. But learning more about how the most popular treatment options work will help you get an idea of what sounds like a good fit.

We offer a number of nonsurgical and surgical fat reduction options to fit a range of patient needs and goals. Schedule a complimentary consultation to meet with one of our expert providers and learn more about what we recommend for you.

Nonsurgical Fat Reduction Options

CoolSculpting – Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing)

before and after coolsculpting

Before and after CoolSculpting with our team

CoolSculpting is the #1 noninvasive fat reduction treatment because it offers effective results for a wide range of treatment areas. This procedure uses controlled freezing to selectively lower the temperature of fat cells to a freezing point. The cells are damaged and are gradually eliminated by the body. Because other tissues have a lower freezing point, they are unharmed by the procedure. Treatment is appropriate for the abdomen, sides, flanks, thighs, buttocks, arms, under the chin, and back.

  • Ideal candidate – Someone who is within reach of their target weight but struggling with spot-specific pockets of stubborn fat.
  • Pros – Up to 25% reduction in fat per treatment; results visible within one month and fully visible after 2-3 months; treatment is comfortable because the treatment area becomes numb; little to no downtime; serious side effects are extremely rare; treatment permanently destroys fat cells.
  • Cons – Several appointments are typically required to see ideal results (additional fat reduction will be achieved with subsequent treatments); patient needs to be within reach of their target weight to be a good candidate.

Kybella – Injection

Before and after Kybella injections

Kybella is an injection for submental fullness, or a double chin. The active medication is deoxycholic acid, which breaks down fat cells to encourage them to be processed and eliminated by the body. Kybella is injected directly into the fat below the chin.

  • Ideal candidate – Someone with stubborn fat below the chin and at the top of the neck.
  • Pros – Treatment is comfortable and there is little to no downtime; side effects resolve quickly and serious side effects are rare; treatment permanently destroys fat cells so that they will not return in the future.
  • Cons – A series of treatments is necessary for ideal results, typically 2-4 treatments each one month apart.

SculpSure – Laser

SculpSure uses a specific type of laser energy to heat fat cells within the skin. This leads the cells to break down and the treated area to slim.

  • Ideal candidate – Someone near their goal weight (10-20 pounds away) with fat pockets in the abdomen or flanks.
  • Pros – Treatment is comfortable and patients typically experience nothing more than a warming sensation; treatment is also fast and there is little to no downtime.
  • Cons – Treatment is less versatile than alternatives like CoolSculpting, which is FDA-cleared for more treatment areas across the body; a series of treatments is typically necessary; treatment destroys slightly less fat per session on average than CoolSculpting; the BMI of ideal candidates is more restricted than with CoolSculpting.

Thermage – Radiofrequency

Thermage is a technology that uses radiofrequency energy to heat fat cells to the point of damage while also stimulating collagen production. Treatment both contours the body and tightens skin.

  • Ideal candidate – Someone with stubborn fat and loose skin on the abdomen, thighs, arms, face and more.
  • Pros – Treatment both reduces fat and tightens skin, so it’s ideal for areas with sagging skin.
  • Cons – Treatment is primarily for skin tightening rather than fat reduction, so less fat is removed than with CoolSculpting.

Surgical Fat Reduction Options

Liposuction or Laser Liposuction

Patients interested in more dramatic, comprehensive results may be good liposuction candidates. Nonsurgical fat reduction can offer a certain level of fat reduction, but candidates typically need to be somewhat close to their goal weight. Liposuction candidates can remove more fat and treatment accommodates a wider range of body types and sizes. But surgery comes with additional risks and an extended recovery process. Laser-assisted liposuction liquefies fat during the procedure to help remove it as comprehensively as possible.

  • Ideal candidate – Someone with large deposits of fat interested in more dramatic body contouring.
  • Pros – Treatment is customizable to your needs; fat reduction is comprehensive and more aggressive than nonsurgical options; results are visible as soon as swelling fades after treatment.
  • Cons – Final results aren’t seen until 6 months after treatment; procedure is invasive and downtime is more significant; price is higher; complications and health risks are more common.

Ready to learn more about which treatment could be right for you? Get in touch today.

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